The definition of mediation is to invite a third party to help with finding a settlement for both parties in effort to solve a dispute.

The definition of Litigation is the process or act of settling a dispute by taking legal action and involving the court of law.

Why Mediate > Litigate
Mediation helps clients part ways in the most amicable way possible, by working jointly to negotiate the settlement agreement. It also provides an opportunity for both parties to communicate civilly and even sometimes helps their relationship.
Litigation can quickly become a stressful burden that turns into unwanted drama and often makes issues worse. PLUS, it’s so much more time consuming because of having to go to court, the process can take way longer; mediation can take days or weeks, whereas litigation can take months – or even years! And the cost is extremely high.
If both parties cannot come to an agreement on their own, the best option is to hire a mediator. By hiring a mediator you get to skip litigation, as your case will not be brought to trial, and the whole process is much quicker and affordable.
The Legal Boutique helps serve both parties to agree on a settlement by mediating the negotiations. Depending on your circumstances, we can meet both parties together or separately. All of our employees are pre-screened and signing only takes two minutes. We’re ready, confidential, and here to help.