How Mediation Can Assist With Parenting Plans

Jun 2, 2022 | Blog

Separation is one thing, but separation with children can be a whole different ball game. Without a doubt, people are always left wondering what is the simplest solution, that can benefit both parties, and keep the child(ren) a top priority.  When you are willing to have a neutral party (ie. mediator) involved in your case, you can be sure that your case will be handled professionally + affordably and with proper communication and more opportunity for compromise.

The key with meditation is working together. If you can work together and meet somewhere in the middle, rather than working against each other, then you can keep the child(ren) at the heart of the case. And why wouldn’t you want that!

The divorcing family trying to divide child custody

Reminder – while mediation is the most cost effective, timely, and more often than not, peaceful manner,  you have to take into consideration what is best for the child(ren). Keeping your child’s interests, safety, mental health and stability should always be at the forefront, and Legal Boutique’s team of mediators are here to listen and help you navigate this period of your life.  Legal Boutique is here to help – contact us today and let’s get things started.

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